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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tap or Bottled?

We did an impromptu first aid course today. The end of term walk, planned for our women's bible study, was canned, due to rain, so one of the nurses gave a first aid talk .

It was very cute. Both my boys were patients & were duly bandaged, although my 3yo was none too happy when told he'd been bitten by a snake & his little friend refused, in tears, to be involved when it meant she had a broken arm.

Anyway - long story short - something the speaker mentioned about dehydration (& how sugar makes things worse for patients with diahorrea so they don't use flat lemonade any more) made me remember one of Craig's old patients.

He was a retired Osteopath and very 'into' water as a healer. He gave us an excerpt from a book, illegally photocopied so I have no idea of the source, I'm sorry.

The chapter was about a doctor who was imprisoned in a concentration camp or detention centre. Completely overcrowded and no medical supplies. However, once people knew he was a doctor they still came to him with their ailments.

The doctor's only resource was water.

Recognising that most people were dehydrated he prescribed extra water. He found he was able to 'cure' all kinds of things, from back ache to stomach ulcers, just by increasing how much water people drank.

We always 'take' water for headaches in our family. I know if I have too many cups of tea in a day & forget to drink cold water as well I get a headache. And since reading this Craig tells his patients to drink more water as a maintenance policy. If the discs in your back are well hydrated & you are less likely to get pain etc.

How much do you drink?


onlinesoph said...

we 'take' water for headaches too!

The only side effect is needing to go to the bathroom a lot.

Lauren said...

Yes they should put a warning on the label!