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Saturday, June 27, 2009

The difference between having a chronic illness & having babies.

When you have a baby everybody knows.
When you have a chronic illness sometimes even you don't know.

When you have a chronic illness people think you're coping (or you should be.)
When you have babies nobody expects you to cope.

When you have a baby people know how to help you through the tough times (your bible study group organises a meal roster, family bring meals & help with your household chores, the neighbours & friends pitch in & visit more often to occupy the other kids, some bring meals, you feel very supported)
When you have a chronic illness people still expect you to help them.

When you have a baby, after a few years it grows up & begins to help around the home.
When you have a chronic illness, it often keeps you in crisis mode the same as when it first arrived, sometimes it gets worse, sometimes it gets better but it rarely offers to help around the home.


Shelli said...

Having had six children before coming down with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), I have to say, you are spot on! People are used to helping and taking care of you ... for awhile. A disease that never resolves leaves everyone feeling uncomfortable.

Can I offer you two areas of support? One is my website, . The other is the blog list of others who have CFS. You can find it at my website, and also at my blog, .

Personally, I have found it so helpful to connect with people going through the same things as I.

Lauren said...

Thanks Shelli,
Uncomfortable is the right word. Thanks for your links. I've been checking them out over the last few days. I enjoyed your blog & was impressed by your website. I had intended to eventually design one along the same lines but now I can just send people your way! Great work.