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Monday, August 3, 2009

The Cold Shoulder Shower.

One crazy remedy we tried, that stuck, was making the last minute, of your hot shower, cold.

Fully cold.

Refreshing in summer. Breath stealing in winter!

But we found (& still find) it does invigorate. It wakes you up very quickly (and it makes you braver!).

We heard something about leg therapy - walking in hot, then cold, then hot, then cold baths would increase blood flow to the surface of the skin and then restrict it & this would kick start a healing process. We also read about some crazy Russians who swam every morning in the frozen lakes & how healthy (& old) they were.

The Bondi Icebergs would agree I'm sure.


onlinesoph said...

I read somewhere that running your shower cold at the last minute makes your hair healthier - not sure how or why (I think it closes the hair follicles making them less prone to damage and more shiny?) but it works.

I also read that having your shower too hot is bad for your skin as it dries it out and dehydrates you. You should have your shower a little cooler that you would like. I think it works - I always find I'm really tired after I come out of a hot shower for some reason...

One thing I've always been confused about is whether to apply hot or cold on a sprained ankle. I was always taught as a kid to heat the area and move it immediately (slowly and carefully) when it's sore, whereas Western medicine says ice and imobilise. Not sure who is right!

Lauren said...

Thanks Soph,
I think it's true that hot water is bad for your skin. Since we've lived in this house we've had a problem with being freezing cold, 24hours a day, & I started to compensate by washing my hands in hot water every time I washed them. My skin fell apart.
I blamed it on the extra time they were in the water since kids (eg baths, extra washing loads etc). I found that some moisturisers helped a little but it kept coming back. However, it always got better in summer.
This winter we have finally filled all the gaps in the house, bought two new heaters & the house is warm.
I have stopped washing in hot water.
Despite having a brand new baby, my hands are fine - no longer sandpaper.

With the hot cold compress - Craig always says cold for first 24hours, heat after that.


Craig said...

Make that ice for the first 48 hours (to reduce inflammation).
Shows how much she listens to me!!