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Friday, May 8, 2009

Allergies & Detoxing

We've been inspired this week to include a section about "causes & triggers" of CFS in our e-book. We've had a nephew undergo allergy testing for nuts who needs an epi-pen. This is the 3rd child in our very close circle of kids (neighbours & family) who now has an epi-pen for nuts and it's just made us realise how common these allergies have become.

Allergies are often part of the symptomatic make up for a chronic fatigue sufferer(& other chronic "western illness" sufferers). We have both developed allergies far worse, than we ever had as children, following CFS. We both were mildly allergy prone as children so for those who say it's all genetic, We do not deny that genes play a part.

However, from what we've read, allergies, and many of the other symptoms of CFS seem to be at least triggered, if not caused, by the following 3 things in the body;
*toxic chemicals
*other toxins caused by fungi & bacteria overgrowth
*heavy metals in the body (including the mother's body for babies, both through breast milk & the placenta).

These can all damage or change cellular structure or function, disrupt the endochrin system by upsetting hormone producing glands, even change DNA, and wear down the major organs of the body.

How do they get into our bodies?

Many of these toxins & heavy metals are;
*ingested in contaminated foods(ie pesticides, insecticides, animal medication & air & waterborne pollutants)

*ingested in drinking water (we have read statistics from UK that claim 700 chemicals/heavy metals in one glass of unfiltered tap water - we will find out the Australian stats for our book)

*breathed in from our environment.

*absorbed by the skin from personal care products or cleaning products at home or in work environments. (Your skin is an amazing organ it absorbs so much that is then sent off via the blood to other organs. Rub garlic or onion on the sole of your foot, it will be absorbed into the bloodstream and you'll be able to taste it within about 5 minutes)

*caused by overgrowth of candida and other "bad" fungi & bacteria in the body that exhausts the immune system & produces a bi-product that toxifies the system, causing allergies & skin irritations (among other things). The overgrowth can be caused by: carbohydrate (sugar) heavy diet, too many antibiotics & medications (eaten in meat as well as prescribed), stress, toxins & heavy metals.

The body is like the proverbial camel's back. There will be signs that things are getting heavy as we overload it but it will keep going until that final straw. Allergic symptoms are often a sign that it is overloaded. Plus they contribute further to the overload of the immune system so it becomes a vicious cycle.

We've talked a little on this blog already about detoxing your home and your body through diet. This blog outlines a bit more thoroughly one of the reasons why we think detoxing is important.

We'll outline heaps more of this in our e-book & include more more ways to detox.
We will make it available for free on this site soon. Probably chapter by chapter due to the iminant arrival of Baby #3. So keep a look out.

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